Thursday, March 5, 2009


I remember in late 90s and early 2000 there was a IT boom and burst too. First thing a company did during the last recession was cut down on the IT budget. But I don’t think that’s an option this recession. IT is a way to save money. Imagine you want to stop using software to do something but rather use human. That’s more cost. So IT has now become a strong part of our business and we cannot cut out IT in anyway. So its here to stay.
So this brings me to my next thought and I am ready for criticism. What’s the next big thing, that’s not in IT? Is it Nano technology or will Nano tubes eventually die down like Nuclear science or will Nuclear science rejuvenate and come to the lime light because of its recent promising advancement. Or is its re-usable energy that’s going to be in the center stage for the next decade. After all Obama is also supporting it. But then since we life in the age of 2.0, where everyone is talking about collaboration, cloud, SOA…..cant it be a coalescence of all the technology. Like Nano tech to make solar cells that will trigger a nuclear cell. What do you say about TECH 2.0 iCollaboration.


Anonymous said...

iCollaboration - an interesting name for sure. Do you see a deep connection with Apple already? ;-)

Deba said...

I was thinking more in the likes of iRobot..but i wont deny the fact that i had apple too on my mind.