Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Social Energy.....

Wiki, Myspace, Orkut etc the list is endless, and it goes without saving that there are very view who are not linked. But how has this linked effected us. Well to start with, wiki provides us information with almost everything and who built it. We did. Sounds really strange right. No company, no visible organization, but collaboration, which made it. Its a collaborated effort. But why did someone do it, why does one get out of it. I have no idea. I dont even know who fills up wiki and where they get the time. I guess its just like i found out time in the middle of my work to write this blog. Ok, lets not deviate from the topic. Social networking,boo marking ,financing etc. All this club together to form social computing. One thing that stuck me a few minutes ago is social energy. More in my next...Need to think more...

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